Thursday, July 19, 2007


Mañana copa de chianti en Trastevere, Roma. :DDD
Me voy a un curso intensivo de ilustración con Ana Laura Cantone...No sé si podré postear... VACACIONES!

No me lo puedo creer.

(Imágenes: Capilla Sixtina, y lago Bracciano cerca de Roma)

Ci vediamo!

Monday, July 16, 2007


discovery- contrast

Child discovery: birth

Fogg realized from where his baby brother came from... He linked... he has listened to any news about the building boom, and the class before Mrs. Knows has just told them the baby boom thing after that european war!!!
All of a sudden he understood his little brother came on a high crane...

Adult discovery: death

(...) I was only seventeen years old, hardly more than a boy. When Tesla's eyes went through me, I experienced my first taste of death. That's closer to what I mean. I felt the taste of mortality in my mouth, and at that moment I understood that I was not going to live forever. It takes a long time to learn that, but when you finally do, everything changes inside you, you can never be the same again. I was seventeen years old, and all of a sudden, without the slighest flicker of a doubt, I understood that my life was my own, that it belonged to me and no one else.

'I'm talking about freedom, Fogg. A sense of despair that becomes so great, so crushing, so catastrophic, that you have no choice but to be liberated by it. That's the only choice, or else you crawl into a corner and die. Tesla gave me my death, and at that moment I knew that I was going to become a painter. That's what I wanted, but until then I hadn't had the balls to admit it.(...)'

PAUL AUSTER, Moon Palace

Saturday, July 14, 2007

in progress

Pues algunas imágenes de una ilustración y el Sr. Juez...
Café y Sábado, mi penúltimo sábado en BCN. And it's a sunny day!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Me siento manca sin escáner, aquí va una foto "dífícil"....Tengo más de 30 dibujos para subir...Pf


Y un poco de cachondeo con estos pimpinela yankies...Dosis de cultura... En serio, si alguien sabe cómo deshinchar la casa y meterla en dos maletas que me lo "comente"...

Monday, July 09, 2007


....Que se murió el escáner... Y el iphoto centrifuga lentísimo...
Esta es una postal que hice para Gereon y Lisa, que después de un año de erasmus en Barcelona regresan a Alemania.

