Hace mucho tiempo, un día, también Ella fue una niña. Porque es sábado se habrá acordado de ése otro. Vendaval, su pueblo casi volaba. Asomó su pequeña cabeza por los ventanales, que chirriaban de miedo porque venía Viento. Viento del norte.
Viento silba y sacude las hojas contra los cristales. Ella se esconde. Sabe que no tiene que tener miedo porque la casa está tranquila y cálida. Es noviembre.
Este déjà-vu, en este preciso presente, ¿dónde lo pongo? ¿de qué sirve? Pues para la mayoría para nada. Ni Ella misma lo sabe. Pero de repente el propio recuerdo la deja suspendida en el aire, en la cuerda floja del presente. De-formación platónica, Ella escribe, y se imagina dos salidas una es "lo que es", la otra "lo que podría ser" y se da cuenta que depende de dónde sople el viento, virará su presente.
Soplad conmigo por favor.
( Ya sabéis qué dirección)
La versión entera:
Long ago, one day, She was also a girl. As today is Saturday she might have remembered that other Saturday. Strong wind, her village almost flying. She popped up her small head through the large windows, hissing of fear because of the Wind. Wind of the North. The Wind whistles and shakes the leaves against the glasses. She hides. She knows that she must not be scared because the house is calm and warm. It's November.
This déjà-vu, in this very present...where shall I keep it? what is it useful for? For most of the people, for nothing. Not even She knows it. But her own memory suddenly leaves her floating in the air, in the tightrope of the present. Of platonic training, She is writing and imagining two exits: "what is" and "what could be" and then She realizes that her present depends on where the wind blows from.
Blow with me (you already know in which direction).
Full version: http://www.flickr.com/photos/37525736@N00/281438426/in/photostream/
very cute and sweet! great work.
i love it!
thanks everybody for the supporting comments. I am an amateur illustrator and I am glad you like my drawings!!
cool!.. :)
i really love it, the background colour is so warm!
Beautiful work, quite an original composition and warm colours. Too bad I don't understand the story in Spanish.
I like your style a lot! :) Sweet stuff on your blog.
it is fantastic -- both illo and story!
So precious!
Nice work!
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