Friday, September 23, 2011


First day of Fall, my favorite season! I can't wait to see leaves changing color! Coffee tastes even better!
(people say in the Land of Lincoln Fall is pretty short though...)

Images from the book Le vieil homme et la fée. The publisher just told me it´s going to be published in China soon, sounds great - sounds zai zhong quo!! ;) - Another cup of coffee for the little squirrel!


Freja said...

Love how personal and cozy your blog is! I have become a follower of yours! :) Would love if you took a look back!

Núria said...

Molt bona notícia!!!!
Això es mereix una ampolla d'alguna cosa bona!.

Per cert, aquí la tardor rien de rien, l'estiu va arribar tard i es resisteix a marxar.

Una abraçada!

maria mola said...

Thanks Freja, I love photography, you have amazing shots!

Ei Núria, esperarem a fer un París o ca l´Enrico. Tot arribarà.

BrownEyes said...

Fall is the coziest season of all. Colors are still vivid, weather is just right to bundle up and cuddle. A book and a cup of coffee is all that makes it right in the world :)